SOES v1.0.0
Functions | Variables
esc.c File Reference

Base EtherCAT functions for handling the Data Link Layer and Malilboxes. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "utypes.h"
#include "esc.h"
#include "esc_coe.h"
#include "esc_foe.h"


void ESC_ALerror (uint16 errornumber)
void ESC_ALstatus (uint8 status)
void ESC_SMack (uint8 n)
void ESC_SMstatus (uint8 n)
void ESC_SMwritepdi (uint8 n)
void ESC_SMenable (uint8 n)
void ESC_SMdisable (uint8 n)
void ESC_address (void)
uint8 ESC_WDstatus (void)
uint8 ESC_checkmbx (uint8 state)
uint8 ESC_startmbx (uint8 state)
uint8 ESC_checkmbxboot (uint8 state)
uint8 ESC_startmbxboot (uint8 state)
void ESC_stopmbx (void)
void ESC_readmbx (void)
void ESC_writembx (uint8 n)
void ESC_ackmbxread (void)
uint8 ESC_claimbuffer (void)
uint8 ESC_outreqbuffer (void)
void MBX_error (uint16 error)
uint8 ESC_mbxprocess (void)
void ESC_xoeprocess (void)
uint8 ESC_checkSM23 (uint8 state)
uint8 ESC_startinput (uint8 state)
void ESC_stopinput (void)
uint8 ESC_startoutput (uint8 state)
void ESC_stopoutput (void)
void ESC_state (void)
void ESC_config (esc_cfg_t *cfg)


static esc_cfg_tesc_cfg = NULL

Detailed Description

Base EtherCAT functions for handling the Data Link Layer and Malilboxes.

State machine and mailbox support.

Function Documentation

void ESC_ackmbxread ( void  )


void ESC_address ( void  )

Read Configured Station Address register 0x010 assigned by the Master.

void ESC_ALerror ( uint16  errornumber)

Write AL Status Code to the ESC.

[in]errornumber= Write an by EtherCAT specified Error number register 0x134 AL Status Code
void ESC_ALstatus ( uint8  status)

Write AL Status to the ESC.

[in]status= Write current slave status to register 0x130 AL Status reflecting actual state and error indication if present
uint8 ESC_checkmbx ( uint8  state)

Check mailbox status by reading all SyncManager 0 and 1 data. The read values are compared with local definitions for SM Physical Address, SM Length and SM Control. If we check fails we disable Mailboxes by disabling SyncManager 0 and 1 and return state Init with Error flag set.

[in]state= Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120
if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise we return state Init with Error flag set.
uint8 ESC_checkmbxboot ( uint8  state)

Check boostrap mailbox status by reading all SyncManager 0 and 1 data. The read values are compared with local definitions for SM Physical Address, SM Length and SM Control. If we check fails we disable Mailboxes by disabling SyncManager 0 and 1 and return state Init with Error flag set.

[in]state= Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120
if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise we return state Init with Error flag set.
uint8 ESC_checkSM23 ( uint8  state)

Validate the values of Sync Manager 2 & 3 that the current ESC values is equal to configured and calculated local values.

[in]state= Requested state.
= incoming state request if every thing checks out OK. = state (PREOP | ERROR) if something isn't correct.
uint8 ESC_claimbuffer ( void  )

Allocate and prepare a mailbox buffer. Take the first Idle buffer from the End. Set Mailbox control state to be used for outbox and fill the mailbox buffer with address master and mailbox next CNT value between 1-7.

The index of Mailbox buffer prepared for outbox. IF no buffer is available return 0.
void ESC_config ( esc_cfg_t cfg)

Function copying the application configuration variable to the stack local pointer variable.

[in]cfg= Pointer to by the Application static declared configuration variable holding application specific details. Ex. post- and pre state change hooks
uint8 ESC_mbxprocess ( void  )

Mailbox routine for implementing the low-level part of the mailbox protocol used by Application Layers running on-top of mailboxes. It takes care of sending a mailbox, re-sending a mailbox, reading a mailbox and handles a mailbox full event.

=0 if nothing to do. =1 if something to be handled by mailbox protocols.
uint8 ESC_outreqbuffer ( void  )

Look for any present requests for posting to the outbox.

the index of Mailbox buffer ready to be posted.
void ESC_readmbx ( void  )

Read Receive mailbox and store data in local ESCvar.MBX variable. Combined function for bootstrap and other states. State check decides which one to read.

void ESC_SMack ( uint8  n)

Read SM Status register 0x805(+ offset to SyncManager n) to acknowledge a Sync Manager event Bit 3 in ALevent. The result is not used.

[in]n= Read Sync Manager no. n
void ESC_SMdisable ( uint8  n)

Write 1 to Bit0 in SM PDI control register 0x807(+ offset to SyncManager n) to De-activte the Sync Manager n.

[in]n= Write to Sync Manager no. n
void ESC_SMenable ( uint8  n)

Write 0 to Bit0 in SM PDI control register 0x807(+ offset to SyncManager n) to Activate the Sync Manager n.

[in]n= Write to Sync Manager no. n
void ESC_SMstatus ( uint8  n)

Read SM Status register 0x805(+ offset to SyncManager n) and save the result in global variable ESCvar.SM[n].

[in]n= Read Sync Manager no. n
void ESC_SMwritepdi ( uint8  n)

Write ESCvar.SM[n] data to ESC PDI control register 0x807(+ offset to SyncManager n).

[in]n= Write to Sync Manager no. n
uint8 ESC_startinput ( uint8  state)

Function trying to enable start updating the process data inputs. It calls the check SM 2 & 3 routine, based on the result from there if enables or disables the Input SyncManager, in addition it updates the ALStatusCode case something didn't pass the check.

[in]state= Requested state.
= state, incoming state request if every thing checks out OK. =state (PREOP | ERROR) if something isn't correct.
uint8 ESC_startmbx ( uint8  state)

Try to start mailboxes for current ALControl state request by enabling SyncManager 0 and 1. If all mailbox settings is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise we return state Init with Error flag set and update local ALerror with code 0x16 Invalid mailbox configuration.

[in]state= Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120
if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state, otherwise we return state Init with Error flag set.
uint8 ESC_startmbxboot ( uint8  state)

Try to start bootstrap mailboxes for current ALControl state request by enabling SyncManager 0 and 1. If all mailbox settings is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise we return state Init with Error flag set and update local ALerror with code 0x16 Invalid mailbox configuration.

[in]state= Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120
if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state, otherwise we return state Init with Error flag set.
uint8 ESC_startoutput ( uint8  state)

Unconditional start of updating outputs by enabling Sync Manager 2. Set the App.state to APPSTATE_OUTPUT.

[in]state= Not used.
= state unchanged.
void ESC_state ( void  )

The state handler acting on ALControl Bit(0) and SyncManager Activation BIT(4) events in the Al Event Request register 0x220.

void ESC_stopinput ( void  )

Unconditional stop of updating inputs by disabling Sync Manager 2 & 3. Set the App.state to APPSTATE_IDLE.

void ESC_stopmbx ( void  )

Stop mailboxes by disabling SyncManager 0 and 1. Clear local mailbox variables stored in ESCvar.

void ESC_stopoutput ( void  )

Unconditional stop of updating outputs by disabling Sync Manager 2. Set the App.state to APPSTATE_ONPUT. Call application hook APP_safeoutput letting the user to set safe state values on outputs.

uint8 ESC_WDstatus ( void  )

Read Watchdog Status register 0x440. Result Bit0 0= Expired, 1= Active or disabled.

value of register Watchdog Status.
void ESC_writembx ( uint8  n)

Write local mailbox buffer ESCvar.MBX[n] to Send mailbox. Combined function for bootstrap and other states. State check decides which one to write.

[in]n= Which local mailbox buffer n to send.
void ESC_xoeprocess ( void  )

Handler for incorrect or unsupported mailbox data. Write error response in Mailbox.

void MBX_error ( uint16  error)

Allocate and prepare a mailbox buffer for sending an error message. Take the first Idle buffer from the end. Set Mailbox control state to be used for outbox and fill the mailbox buffer with error information.

[in]n= Error number to be sent in mailbox error message.

Variable Documentation

esc_cfg_t* esc_cfg = NULL [static]