= {
{0x0000, "No error" },
{0x1001, "No IDN" },
{0x1009, "Invalid access to element 1" },
{0x2001, "No Name" },
{0x2002, "Name transmission too short" },
{0x2003, "Name transmission too long" },
{0x2004, "Name cannot be changed (read only)" },
{0x2005, "Name is write-protected at this time" },
{0x3002, "Attribute transmission too short" },
{0x3003, "Attribute transmission too long" },
{0x3004, "Attribute cannot be changed (read only)" },
{0x3005, "Attribute is write-protected at this time" },
{0x4001, "No units" },
{0x4002, "Unit transmission too short" },
{0x4003, "Unit transmission too long" },
{0x4004, "Unit cannot be changed (read only)" },
{0x4005, "Unit is write-protected at this time" },
{0x5001, "No minimum input value" },
{0x5002, "Minimum input value transmission too short" },
{0x5003, "Minimum input value transmission too long" },
{0x5004, "Minimum input value cannot be changed (read only)" },
{0x5005, "Minimum input value is write-protected at this time" },
{0x6001, "No maximum input value" },
{0x6002, "Maximum input value transmission too short" },
{0x6003, "Maximum input value transmission too long" },
{0x6004, "Maximum input value cannot be changed (read only)" },
{0x6005, "Maximum input value is write-protected at this time" },
{0x7002, "Operation data transmission too short" },
{0x7003, "Operation data transmission too long" },
{0x7004, "Operation data cannot be changed (read only)" },
{0x7005, "Operation data is write-protected at this time (state)" },
{0x7006, "Operation data is smaller than the minimum input value" },
{0x7007, "Operation data is smaller than the maximum input value" },
{0x7008, "Invalid operation data:Configured IDN will not be supported" },
{0x7009, "Operation data write protected by a password" },
{0x700A, "Operation data is write protected, it is configured cyclically" },
{0x700B, "Invalid indirect addressing: (e.g., data container, list handling)" },
{0x700C, "Operation data is write protected, due to other settings" },
{0x700D, "Reserved" },
{0x7010, "Procedure command already active" },
{0x7011, "Procedure command not interruptible" },
{0x7012, "Procedure command at this time not executable (state)" },
{0x7013, "Procedure command not executable (invalid or false parameters)" },
{0x7014, "No data state" },
{0x8001, "No default value" },
{0x8002, "Default value transmission too long" },
{0x8004, "Default value cannot be changed, read only" },
{0x800A, "Invalid drive number" },
{0x800A, "General error" },
{0x800A, "No element addressed" },
{0xffff, "Unknown" }